Icone base de données

Access to all the APIs

Take advantage of a multitude of services (data enrichment, cleaning...) that you can include in your services

+ de qualité

Quality service

Give your customer the best support on good practices to maintain a quality database, a source of growth

+ de qualité

Exclusive price offers

Benefit from negotiated prices as a partner to allow you to make a substantial profit

Partner program

  • Sandbox: more credits

Test our APIs using a free sandbox (test environment). The partner department will give you the required number of credits to be able to carry out your tests in the best conditions.

  • Customer account monitoring dashboard

Benefit from a specific area to monitor the detail of your customer consumption so that you can bill them. Using our pay per use services, guarantee recurrent turnover.

grâce à l'utilisation des API
  • 1st sales support

As part of a partnership, our pre-sales team can support you for your 1st sales either by video conference or on a customer visit.

  • Email access to the technical teams

As a partner, you have a specific access to the technical teams via an email address.

Données de prospection

Access a reliable database


11 million businesses
47 million consumer profiles


300 criteria


Every day



Propose quality and differentiating services on the market

Become a partner